1-4 Oct 2024 Sète - Montpellier (France)

Speakers JNMO 2024

Participants will be welcomed from Tuesday 1 October 2024, in the late afternoon and evening. The scientific presentations will take place from Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 October 2024 at midday.

As in previous years, the conference will be structured around invited oral presentations and poster sessions.

This year we are pleased to confirm the presence of the following guests:

  • Alexandre Arnoult, In situ and real-time characterization instruments for MBE growth and CVD, LAAS.
  • Claire Besançon, III-V laser integration on silicon by direct bonding and regrowth for high-speed optical telecommunications, III-V Lab.
  • Guillaume Cassabois, Hexagonal boron nitride: optical properties of an ultrawide bandgap 2D crystal, L2C.
  • Céline Chevalier, Large scale nanophotonic engineering with NanoImprint Lithography, INL.
  • Charles Cornet, Photo-electrochemistry with III-V/Si semiconductors for cost-efficient solar water splitting, FOTON.
  • Moustafa El Kurdi, GeSn lasers, C2N.
  • Bruno Gayral, Rebound effects and semiconductor devices : considerations on technologies and their usage, CEA Grenoble.
  • Matthieu Jamet, 2D materials epitaxy, Spintec.
  • Juliette Mangeney, Technologies THz, LPENS.
  • Laurent Markey, On-chip plasmo-photonic waveguide sensors with microfluidics, ICB.
  • Antonin Moreau, Oxydes for thin films optical filters, Institut Fresnel.
  • Hanako Okuno, TEM analysis of low-dimensional strucuctures, CEA.
  • Jean-Baptiste Rodriguez, Revisiting the epitaxy of III-V materials on Silicon, IES.
  • Philip Schulz, Perovskite solar cells, IPVF.
  • Fabrice Semond,Niobium nitride integrated on GaN for metallic-base transistors and quantum technologies, CRHEA.
  • Maria Tchernycheva, Nitride nanostrcutured LEDs, C2N.
  • Mathias Van Den Bossche, Satellite quantum information networks – Industry status and research need, Thales Alenia Space.
  • Angela Vasanelli, Unipolar quantum optoelectronics for thermal infrared range, LPENS.
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